Also known as the "Magical Poet", I'm a young writer of eminent pedigree that writes from Monrovia, Liberia. I'm a multi-award winning poet who has won numerous awards. I'm a philanthropist and a civil engineer. I've co-authored several anthologies and I'm the author of two books; Genesis and Raindrops. My works have been featured in: The Writer's Space African Magazine (Feb 1, 2019 edition), Namaste Ink Magazine, Ducor review, Spillwords, Odd Magazine, Eboquills, Literary Yard, Libpedia, PoetrySoup, Poetry Nation, WewriteLiberia, Ngiga Review, Nantygreens, Orange Book Club, Madness Muse Press and elsewhere.

There are boys in this poem
whose bodies bury themselves into a river.
There are girls also,
but in this poem,
it is believed that they are stuck somewhere at the river's depth.
They no longer know themselves,
and these smiles are means of staying alive.
How can I describe dreams that grow unholy in this country?
For boys plucking bombs out of themselves,
and girls longing for rest at the mortuary.
For things we lost to this country,
boys & girls trying to touch the stars,
but end up touching the ground.