Vivian Arita is a Kenyan poet from Naivasha Kenya. She is a Libra who aims to one day write verses that will act as a catalyst for transformation and change. You can find her @arita_vivian on all platforms.

Mama always says she's a Proud Kisii woman
Papa a man gratified at having the sturdiness of his
people from the west
Aunt just said she is from the lakeside
where her people are always angling for their bread and butter
That aside, Uncle is now saying he is American!
Then where do I belong? My enigma continues...
Bound by blood, Ethnicity to me is just a belligerent idea
Our shared kinship the only valid, the notion of tribe being a terrible yarn
North to South I might seem to have more relatives
than the congregation in our adventist church
But my only irritant is why our blood and skin isn’t enough to trump
our unjustified disputations
I dream of the day I awake to them all admitting that our shared
Africanism is what binds us
I yearn for the day they proclaim they have seen God’s wish
and the basis of tribe is groundless
I crave for the day my people shall realise the world views us all
same in their specious racism
And when the day comes my family shall hold hands,
and when unfamiliar's inquire who we are
we shall adduce that we are nothing but an “ African family”...