a man reading a newspaper.
Photography by Cottonbro

Everyone has a desire to succeed.
For the purpose of earthly deeds.
Whether betimes or latterly reached,
Impossible through daydreams.

Success, not magical tricks,
Achievers apply to make a break.
They put all that it takes,
Not idly sit and cut the cake.

Confined in gaze every season,
With the aim to win and fete.
Less a single prize to pay,
A filled psyche with a dim scene

Success, not sky manna,
That freely felt to empty earth,
Way back in quondam days,
Needing no human sweat.

Rather, Success is...
An apogee of toil.
A falling down and waking up.
A result of a tireless end.

Indulged not in legerdemain.
But pressing might and sober action.
Finish-liners, only them can achieve.
Success, not for lotus-eaters.

I'm a contemporary writer. I have been hugely involved with writing Poetry, Quotes, and Academic Articles. I have a career in Information and Communication (IT), Economics, and currently pursuing one in Development Studies.

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