I'm a Nigerian poet, and an upcoming writer. I have to my name over a hundred poems and I am currently working on my debut novel. I'm an enthused poet whose writings explore African values, humanity and religious beliefs.

Same phonemes; same language,
same culture; same living.
All in one, one in all
having the same desire, same dream and same destination;
The Heavens.
As if lost in the fondue,
a cancerous feat started pillaging their weakness.
His brother spoke to get him the mallet,
but he handed him the spear.
He beckoned soup from his wife,
alas! She mixed it with gunpowder.
Diverse tongues, diverse thoughts and diverse troubles.
The mason called for more bricks,
and he was murdered within a flick.
To stop the felling of the wall, the little boy pleaded.
But, all she could decipher was, "Continue! Continue!! Mama!!!"
"All in one, one in all", all gone.
Bonding bandage broken and blown away.
All there is are numbing clusters.
All strings cut and severed.
Contention, strife and pains that come with diversity.
Obscure sting still felt as in the tower at Africa.